CNano Contributes to Advancements in Nanotechnology at SAFARI Project Consortium Meeting

We are pleased to announce Creative Nano's active participation in the 6M Consortium meeting of the SAFARI Project, a collaborative effort hosted online by our esteemed partner, Łukasiewicz – Poznański Instytut Technologiczny. At this significant gathering, Creative Nano showcased its cutting-edge research on the functionalisation and optimisation of MXenes and MXene-Graphene hybrids.

Our presentation highlighted preliminary results from our ongoing efforts to fine-tune the properties of these advanced materials. Specifically, we are focusing on their application in glucose and lactate biosensors, EMI shielding, and conductive inks. These materials hold immense potential to revolutionize various industries, from healthcare to electronics.

Through meticulous experimentation and analysis, Creative Nano is committed to pushing the boundaries of nanotechnology. Our goal is to develop tailor-made solutions that address real-world challenges and drive innovation forward. Stay tuned for further updates as we continue our journey towards groundbreaking discoveries in the field of nanotechnology.