We are very excited to announce that the 3DPlate website is on air! 3Dplate is a national Project dealing with the application of metallic coatings in 3D-printed parts. Click here https://www.3dplate.gr/ to find out more! 3DPlate is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek […]
We just installed our new Flashforge Creator 3 printer from ANIMA and we are ready for a whole new experience! The dual independent extruders, operating at high speeds, and the extended range of compatible materials give us endless possibilities! Our final target is to provide customized 3Dprinted objects with an […]
The kick-off meeting of EMERGE Project was held at IIASA in Laxenburg, Austria, on 24th, 25th and 26th of February 2020. Each member of the consortium introduced its work package and explained its role within the project as well as the work that it will carry out. The presentations of […]
Cnano participated in the 12M meeting of the LightCoce Project that took place on the 14th and 15th of January 2020. The meeting was held at Technische Hochschule Nürnberg (THN) premises in Nuremberg. During the two-day meeting, important issues over the structure of the SEP as well as technical aspects […]
Cnano participated in 37M meeting of the EU funded project Green Instruct that took place in Naples, Italy on the 22-23 of October, hosted by STRESS followed by a demo site visit to Benevento and the workshop "Sustainable Constructions: Solutions from Circular Economy" in Bari. The Green Instruct project has […]
Creative Nano participated in the International Conference "ENERGY in BUILDINGS" organized by the ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter in collaboration with the Technical Chamber of Greece on the 28th of October, 2019 in Athens. Cnano presented its work concerning the development of water based photocatalytic paint for interior use in order to […]
Cnano in collaboration with University of Padova organised a two days Workshop on Innovation Management in the context of NanoBAT Project. The training took place in University of Padova, in Department of Medicine at 16-17 of September, 2019. The NanoBAT project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 […]
Cnano paricipated in the 3M meeting of the PureNano Project that took place on the 12th of September in Technological Cultural Park of Lavrio in Athens, Greece. PureNano proposes an innovative method for purification/ regeneration of spent plating baths based on functionalised magnetic NPs. Cnano leads WP6 that is dedicated […]
Cnano participated in the 4th General Meeting of the Marie Curie ITN SOLUTION Project that took place in the 27th and 28th of August at Vrahati, Greece. All participating researchers presented the progress of their work and were informed about the project's status. During the Project meeting, the members of […]
Cnano participated at the Final Review Meeting of PROCETS project that took place at the European Commission premises in Brussels on July 24, 2019. The consortium members presented the overall progress and results of the project. Cnano had a major role in the project targeting to deliver a sustainable pilot […]