Dr. Alexandros Zoikis – Karathanasis is the CEO of Creative Nano. He has MSc degree in Materials’ Science and Technology from NTUA and Ph.D. in the field of electrodeposition and construction of nanostructured materials. He defended this thesis with title: “Electrolytic codeposition of Ni-P matrix with SiC and WC particles utilizing pulse current regime: structural and mechanical characterization”. Dr. Alexandros Zoikis – Karathanasis has been involved for more than 10 years in Science, Research & Development: from technical development to coordination, project & scientific management; participating in various EC funded as well as national projects. His research interests are in the field of nanotechnology, development of nanostructured materials and coating, utilization of materials for environmental purposes etc. Dr. Alexandros Zoikis – Karathanasis has published more than 30 scientific and technical papers in Journals and Conference.