Nanotechnology Risk Assessments
Dealing with Nanotechnology implies the necessity of confronting all potential risks. Managing risk is not only related to toxic, hazardous and dangerous materials following the traditional handling of chemicals it also is crucial to businesses working at the cutting edge with novel materials and processes. Therefore, it is evident that there exists an enormous need for reassurance that things are being done correct, safe and within legal frameworks, to maximise the fab to lab to market success and ensure the consumer acceptance. Our key services include:
Regulatory Support: Identifying international regulatory requirements for target industrial markets, classification and labelling of substances and mixtures, REACH compliance management, development chemical safety reports, exposure assessment and scenarios.
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) preparation: extended SDS for substances and mixtures which are consistent with current best practice guidance for nanomaterials
Nanomaterial risk assessment: integration of hazard and exposure evaluations, with recommendations on safe practice and appropriate control measures, review scope, assess and interpret evidence and emerging issues, evidence appraisal to inform policy, guidance and standards development, development of in-house exposure limits, bespoke training to understand and manage risks.
Our staff has been active for several years in nano related research, spanning between the diverse fields of science and commercialisation.